Hi there! I'm Gabriel. I’m the person behind this shop. I'm a father of 2 little girls. After several years of selling digital design on my two Etsy shops (one focusing on vectors and image files https://www.etsy.com/shop/MisterCut?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=875164556 - , the other on digital embroidery files - https://www.etsy.com/shop/Embrodaddy?ref=seller-platform-mcnav), I thought that it was time to open my shop, in order to be even more independent. Here you can find more than 1500 designs that can be used with cut machines (SVG, DXF, EPS file format),  sublimation (png file format) and all the other way (PDF, JPG).

In the embroidery section you’ll find more that 900 designs (more will come). It’s a wide collection of unique and amazing collections of embroidery designs digital files All of the embroidery designs digital files come in EXP, PES, HUS, XXX, DST, VP3, CSD, COL, EMD, PCS, VIP, EMD, INF, JPX, PDC, PDQ, PEC, SHV, JEF format that is directly utilized in your embroidery machines for stitches the fabrics. As per our customer's specific embroidery designs requirement, we also offer custom machine embroidery designs and patterns. If you have any issue or query related to our machine embroidery digital files then we always assist you to resolve the issue or your query. All of our customers are welcome here to contact us anytime.

Why buy here instead of Etsy? Here several reasons:

Lower prices, more designs, same quality and customer care, support an independent and free shop.